Project Life volunteers go through a training program and a background check. Volunteers are 18 or older. Many volunteers join as friends.
If you can commit to one hour a week, have a strong interest in doing good works by helping others in service please email or call us.
To join the Project Life community, please send us an email that contains your name, phone number, zip code, and ideal availability times for visits.
Phone 714-612-0306
Project Life is a program of the Good Works Institute as 501C3 not for profit corporation.
Our Mission is to create programs that are economically sustainable and that inspire people of all ages to do good works through the gift of their time, talent, and/or treasure and that enhance their faith journey as well as the journey of others.
Project Life is a program where young adults volunteer their time to help seniors living in their community by spending one hour a week for 8-12 weeks. Additional programs are in various stages of development and as such are under construction.
Copyright 2015. PROJECT L.I.F.E.. All Rights Reserved.