Project Life matches seniors with young adult volunteers and creates wonderful changes. Seniors love the one hour sessions and the young adults grow in numerous ways.
The Power of One Hour: Just a one hour visit creates 3 hours of anticipation by the senior before each visit and 6 hours of their telling others about the visit followed by another 3 hours as the senior spends time in anticipation of the next visit. The people the senior shared their experience with adds more hours and when we add in the hours the two young adults spend in anticipation of the next session and sharing we see the power of one hour!
The positive impact of the hours on the mind, body and spirit is the true benefit!
You Can Help: We need help to create more matches so more lives can be touched through Project Life, and 100% of each $250 donation is directed to the funding of a match. We hope to facilitate change with each match we create. You donation can cover the cost to impact lives right here in your faith community. Each $250 donation makes it possible to put two young adults with a senior. The young adults get trained on communication skills, senior sensitivity, and fellowship and then are assigned, in teams of two young adults, to meet for one hour a week for 8-12 weeks with a senior. Your donation gets the process started and you get progress updates on the match you created.
Project Life accepts online donations via PayPal.
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